Respuesta :
It was wild man, I walk out of the bathroom and saw these two girls fighting. The thing about women fighting is that they have no real weakness, by this I mean there's no place that you can punch that will knock them down. Because of this, there's a lot (and I mean a lot of hair pulling). I swear I saw one of the girls lift the other one by the hair and swing her around. While this was happening you better believe the crowd was going wild, it was insane! I saw the fight happen for about 5 minutes before the principal pulled them off of each other. After the fight was where things really took a turn for the worst. One of the girls' older brother came with a bat to beat up the girl. I guess while they were fighting he ditched the bat, and eventually, a staff member tackled them to break up the fight. The principal had the girl on the ground and turned to the crowd for a moment. During this, the brother picked up the and hit the girl in the head as hard as he could. There was no blood, no screaming, a loud bang (a sound I don't think I will ever forget), everyone was silent. Turned out he killed her and was later sent to prison. After that nobody (and I mean not even the teachers) messed with that girl. Everyone was extremely terrified of her and she ended up switching schools (or dropping out) a couple months later. From what I understand nobody has heard from her since and I think that's for the better.
Freshman year:
Homecoming Football Game-
I had told this one girl to pull up, because she had been talking about me on social media so, I'm looking around in the parking lot of the school and I see her car so I'm just standing there chillin' waiting for somethin' to go down. So I see her and two other girls get out and I'm like "What's up? You too scared to fight me by yourself you had to bring your goon sqaud?" and she laughs...bro she next thing I know I run up on her and I just start way-layin' her like I'm hitting her as hard as I can and one of the other girls grab me by my hair and by this time there is a crowd of people around us videoing so I elbow the other girl in the face and then the next thing I know she's on the ground with me on top of her saying stop get off of me and I'm seeing red dude like I'm furious at this point and I hear sirens and that's when I stop and when I see her face it's bloody like her nose is busted and she is bleeding from her forehead and her mouth is swollen and her hair is knotted up like girl what happened to you? XD