To use the five step decision making process to make this choice
- You first have to establish the goal. That is you have to know why you want to solve this problem. And also the reason why you have to make this choice
- Now you have to weigh your choices between these two options. You have to weigh this option and make a choice based on the benefits that you may get from them.
- Next you have to consider the consequences of whatever option that you may pick. You have to check the advantages and the disadvantages.
- Next you have to make your decision. To do this, you have to trust your instincts to know if the best option that you would be picking would be the party or it would be ushering.
- The last step is the evaluation of the decision that have been made. This step would help to evaluate all the steps I have taken to make sure that things would work out. It would also help to create changes along the way.