Answer in python code:

1) Ask a student to input three different grades for the same subject. Print the highest grade and the average

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2) Ask a user to input three different color (RED, GREEN, BLUE only). Print out how many colors of each do you have (Ex: You have 1 RED and 2 BLUES, OR you have 3 GREENS, OR you have 1 GREEN and 2 BLUES)

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3) (GAME - GUESS a NUMBER) Use the library RANDOM. Generate the random number between 1 and 10. Ask a user to guess number 4 times. If the number is higher than random number print "Your number is higher, you have 3 tries left", if the user guesses number right, print "YOU WON"

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4) Generate THREE random numbers between 1 and 100. Print each number AND the statement if this number is divisible by THREE. Ex: Generated numbers are 10, 21 and 60. Print "The number 10 is NOT divisible by three, number 21 is divisible by 3, the number 60 is divisible by three"

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