Can anyone help me plz (5th grade)

I'm going to break this down for you:
1. Where did your story happen: So if you are talking about a chapter in a book it's going to be the place the chapter mostly happened in. Or where they were for the chapter.
example: Bentley and Jack ate lunch while they talked.
So they are most likely to have been at the cafeteria or outside
2. When did the story happen: So if it is a chapter of a book what month did it happen or date or the year. Sometimes if you can't find it it might be when the book came out so if it's history it will tell you when the main thing happened.
example: Bentley set sail to go and find the treasure in May 19th 1739.
3. Smells: So read the book or part of the book again and find perts where the character talks about a smell or thinks about a smell
Example: Bentley liked the smell of his moms cooking.
4. Hears: May be your corrector talks about hearing the birds I don't know but fill that of anything he talks about hearing things.
example: Ben hears the birds chirping when he wakes up.
You get the rest and if you don't I'll do the rest for you