1.Where can you find what dates the Florida Hunting Regulations Handbook is valid for?
You can go to your local wildlife ranger station or you could go to a park and ask a ranger there.

2. Specific wildlife management area regulations are not covered in this handbook. Where can additional information and maps be found for WMA's?

3. The regulation handbook lists definitions for resident game in Florida. What are Florida's two Resident Upland game birds?

Respuesta :

Here are the answers to the given questions above:
1. You can find what dates the Florida Hunting Regulations Handbook is valid for in your local wildlife ranger station or you could go to a park and ask a ranger there.
2. A
dditional information and maps can be found for WMA's in MANAGEMENT AREAS.
Florida's two Resident Upland game birds QUAIL and WILD TURKEYS and these are residential game birds.
Hope these helps.