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Its Important because Black people used to be slaved by white people and they need to be more respected by whites so they have the confidence to Stand up for themselves and to never give up on whats right
Many people think that the Black Lives Matter movement is in itself racist. This is truly impossible for a number of reasons. First off, the definition of racism is the prejudice, discrimination, or mistreatment directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a minority racial or ethnic group. Reverse racism is not real in this country because White people are never the minority. Well what if there is one White person in a room full of POC? It is not about numbers, but rather power. White people in this country have always had the most power regardless of which other ethnic group you compare them to. They colonized and enforced genocide upon Native Americas, enslaved and segregated Africans, took advantage of and later interned Asian Americans, and mistreat and stereotype Latino populations. For these few examples, you can see that it is impossible for reverse racism to exist.