(a) Identify conflicts that drive the epic narrative: one thatis personal to Beowulf and one that is critical for the Danes as apeople. (b) Connect In what ways are these conflicts alsoarchetypal, or universal to all people and cultures?

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Beowulf's personal conflict is that he wants to be seen as an honorable and glorious hero. The conflict for the Danes is the lack of peace in their territory.

This question is associated with the epic "Beowulf." When reading this epic, we can say that:

  • Beowulf is the prince of Geats and despite being a nobleman, he wants to be seen as a hero.
  • That's because he wants to have honor and glory, which were very important characteristics in the society he lives in.
  • Beowulf is a very strong man and has defeated magical creatures.
  • He sees the chance to be seen as a great and honorable hero, knowing that the Da.nes were being slaughtered by the Grendel monster.
  • The Danes had no peace in their territory and needed a hero.
  • That's because no one tried to fight Grendel, as his skin was immune to weapons and he was very strong and cruel.
  • In that case, by defeating Grendel, Beowulf got the honor and glory he wanted and brought peace to the Danes.

From this, we can see that Beowulf had very personal goals when he pledged to defeat Grendel, although he helped the Da.nes, he fought for personal goals.

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