
Is this a good story its for a grade
The world
Never seen

“The world is a wonderful place, full of magic and creatures beyond imagination! But in the light, there’s always darkness.

Chapter one
“Mama, Mama.” Shouted a little boy. Though his voice was high pitch it was clearly a boy. Around the age of four. Everything was black a girl wondering why she could not see. “Yes, my love,” answers the boy’s mother. “what’s that human doing over there” the boy asks. “Let me see dear, oh dear.” She replied. “Mama?” the boy says in question. The mother’s face is frightened as if she saw a demon rise out of the ground. “Let’s play inside now d-dear” she stammered. All the sudden there’s yelling. “Mylea, MYLEA!”
Snapping back into reality mylea moonlight is staring at her best friend Kat, who was indeed a talking black and white cat with a glowing white tip on her tail. Mylea as a mystic which is wolf with wings, and a thin, hot iron tail the only creature that can hold all magic. “O-oh hey Kat how are you doing.” Mylea asked. “How am I, HOW AM I, YOU MISSED THE ENTIRE MEETING BECAUSE OF YOUR DAY DREAMING” she screeched in anger. “Sigh- what was it about this time.” She said calming down. “ Sorry Kat, you know I have no control over this thing, but hey they always predict something.” she said. “Just- just tell me” Kat answered immediately. “Oh right, I couldn’t see anything this time, but I could hear everything. A little boy had called for his mother” She started while twitching her ear. “They had a normal conversation until the little boy saw a human but there had to be something wrong with it due to the mother had sounded horrified when she saw it. Then you snapped me out of it” she finished. “Right, we should tell the queen” She answered. “ mum’s going to be mad I missed the meeting.” Mylea said shaken. Kat had darted toward the castle with Mylea chasing after her large paws slamming into the dirt. Flapping her wings and bounding toward Kat.

Respuesta :


this is amazing, did you do this by yourself??

maybe add a little bit more neutral parts in between to make it more understandable, like so the story seems more calm



I think this story definitely has potential. I like how you started it off with a flashback to the past. I do suggest you make a few grammar corrections, perhaps checking it on a grammar website would help? Also, sometimes you switch from past to present tense in the first paragraph (ex. using "was" and then changing to "is" when you're still talking about the past).