Alpacas and Llamas

(1) Both animals belong to the same family as camels, but while camels are found in Asia and Africa, alpacas and llamas are found in South America. (2) Both alpacas and llamas have slender bodies, necks, and soft padded feet. (3) In fact, their feet are so soft that they do not damage the grass they walk on. (4) Even though alpacas and llamas look similar, they have distinctive features. (5) To begin with, alpacas have short, spear-shaped ears, whereas llamas have long, banana-shaped ears. (6) Then, alpacas have smaller faces, while llamas have longer faces. (7) Alpacas weigh about 140 to 160 pounds, but llamas can weigh as much as 400 pounds. (8) The differences in the physical features of these two animals also extend to the quantity and texture of hair on their bodies. (9) The alpaca's hair is much finer than the llama's, but it is denser and can be found in many more shades such as light brown, gray, and black. (10) Llamas have less hair on their faces and heads compared to alpacas. (11) The soft hair of the alpaca, called "fleece," is so thick that it makes it difficult for the alpaca to bear the heat in summer. (12) The huacaya alpacas have fleece, which look woolly and help them bear cold weather. (13) Alpacas like to live in groups; llamas prefer to stay on their own. (14) Alpacas make adorable and loving pets. (15) _______, if anyone tries to annoy them too much, they may behave differently, and they are also not gentle with each other when they have to share food.(16) Alpacas make soft sounds. (17) But sometimes, when they feel they are in danger, they may also shriek. (18) Both alpacas and llamas are herbivores, which mean they eat plants like grass, bark, wood, leaves, or stems. (19) When male alpacas compete, they make sounds like bird calls. (20) Both alpacas and llamas have excellent hearing abilities and great eyesight that help them stay alert. (21) Alpacas and llamas are unique and interesting creatures.

19) When male alpacas compete, they make sounds like bird calls.
Sentence 19 is not in the correct place. Where would it best be placed?
A. after sentence 17
B. after sentence 5
C. before sentence 11
D. before sentence 3