2. 'Intellectual curiosity is a desire for knowledge simply for its own sake-not to
get a good grade, pass a test, get a diploma, or get a job. Intellectual curiosity
prevents boredom and apathy—and bored, apathetic people are dreary people,
to themselves and to others. 'Such curiosity also broadens our horizons. “If we
pursue only the knowledge that we think we need for "success," our possibilities
will be limited. Moreover, curiosity of the mind makes us versatile. “People with
broad knowledge and wide interests can change the course of their work and
activities if they need to—as they well might, given the rapid pace of change in
our world-or simply if they want to. 'Last, although practicality is not its aim,
intellectual curiosity can have practical advantages; at any time, any kind of
knowledge may turn out to be useful to our happiness and growth in life.
A. Intellectual curiosity has many benefits.
B. Intellectual curiosity prevents boredom and apathy.
c. People with intellectual curiosity can change their jobs if they want or
need to.
D. Intellectual curiosity has practical advantages.