Respuesta :


a blood clot is a gelatinous mass of fibrin and blood cells formed by the coagulation of blood



Blood Clot

The process of forming a clot or thrombus in order to prevent excess loss of blood from the body is called the clotting of blood. A jelly mass like substance is formed by the platelets and fibrin in the blood. Platelets play a vital role in the clotting of blood.

Given below is the flow chart representing the major steps involved in the process of clotting of blood:

Injury to blood vessel and platelets release prothrombin

Activation of prothrombin to thrombin

Splitting up of fibrinogen to fibrins by thrombin

A mesh is formed around the wound controlling RBC and platelets by fibers present in fibrins

Bleeding is stopped

The clot hardens and becomes smaller in size

New cells are grown to rebuild the wounded site

Plasmin enzymes are released and the clot is dissolved