Respuesta :
1: the sun is about 93 million miles from the Earth.
2: the sun works through nuclear reactions.
3: the sun could hold about 1 million Earths.
4: the sun has a diameter of about 109 diameters of the Earth. (or about 863007.5 miles)
5: the nuclear reactions are fueled by hydrogen
6: the sun is more than 4.5 billion years old
7: the sun burns at about 10,000 degrees (fahrenheit)
Fun fact, the earth's core burns as hot or hotter /\
8: It takes 8 minutes to have light travel from the Sun to the Earth.
9: the sun was commonly respected as a god.
10: The sun is the heaviest thing in our solar system
Fun fact, it is also most important to live. (and the whole idea of the Dyson sphere)