n 3–4 short paragraphs, explain the difference between a citizen’s right and a citizen’s responsibility. Using examples, describe the personal, political, and economic rights and responsibilities of US citizens.

Respuesta :

Answer: Citizens have a lot of rights and responsibilities. They're important to keep in mind, but they're also relative. People with more money, power, or privilege have more rights and responsibilities than people who are less well-off. For example, if someone wants to protest about racism and racism is a new topic for them, they can't expect that their rights will be met by the government's response. That doesn't mean that it's not worth protesting though! Just because you may not get what you want doesn't mean your voice hasn't been heard or that what you wanted isn't valuable.

A citizen’s right is not an entitlement but rather a one-time gift from the government. It grants you a specific privilege without giving you more rights than other citizens. For example, all citizens have the right to vote, but only some can be elected into office.

A citizen’s responsibility differs dramatically from a right: by virtue of citizenship, one assumes responsibility for ensuring that certain rights are upheld and that they are exercised both practically and ethically. The ultimate goal is to create positive results with good intentions which aim for the common good. You might assume this means a harder job than just voting; however, there are some things that citizens should do or refrain from doing in order for their responsibilities to be fulfilled.

Explanation: yw