Respuesta :
what is financial account
Final Accounts is the ultimate stage of accounting process where the different ledgers maintained in the Trial Balance (Books of Accounts) of the business organization are presented in the specified way to provide the profitability and financial position of the entity for a specified period to the stakeholders and other interested parties i.e., Trading Account, Statement of Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet.
objects of financial account
To determine gross profit and net profit of the business during the year. To present the true financial position of the business on a given date. ... To make a summary presentation of all the financial transactions. To communicate the operating results and financial position of the users.
What are Final Accounts?
Final Accounts is the ultimate stage of accounting process where the different ledgers maintained in the Trial Balance (Books of Accounts) of the business organization are presented in the specified way to provide the profitability and financial position of the entity for a specified period to the stakeholders and other interested parties i.e., Trading Account, Statement of Profit & Loss, Balance Shee
Objectives of Final Accounts
They are prepared for the calculation of Gross profit & net profit earned by the organization for the relevant period by presenting the Statement of Profit & Loss.
The Balance sheet is prepared for providing the correct financial position of the company as on the date.
These accounts use the bifurcation of direct expenses to obtain the gross profit & loss and bifurcation in indirect expenses to ascertain the Net profit & loss for the organization.
These accounts through the Balance sheet bifurcate the assets & liabilities as per the holding & usage periods of the same