Microbiology is a broad discipline that encompasses virology, bacteriology, and immunology. Some of the categories in the microbiology field include medicine, ecology, agriculture, and industry.
- Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms and viruses.
- Microscopic organisms (microorganisms) include bacteria, archaea, fungi and protozoa (i.e., protists).
- The correct disciplines above that make reference to different microbiology areas are:
- The study of diseases in humans and animals is the field of medical microbiology.
- Epidemiologists working in the field of public health microbiology monitor the prevalence of disease in populations.
- Scientists study how the immune system protects the body in the field of immunology.
- In the field of microbial ecology, however, a variety of approaches are used to describe microbial diversity in terms of relationships between organisms and their environments.
- Merging both medical and microbial ecology, the field of agricultural microbiology concerns the role of microbes in crop production and as pesticides.
- Another area that parallels agricultural microbiology is the study of microbial spoilage, which is part of the field of food and dairy microbiology.
- Researchers in the field of industrial microbiology develop ways to exploit the metabolic abilities of microbes to generate valuable products.
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