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When pollution was beginning to be talked about it was recognized as a huge threat to human health and the surrounding natural resources. However, the long-term effects from pollution seems to be have forgotten.
Most people seem to only talk about air pollution and relate it to the exhaust from vehicles. However, it is actually much bigger than that. Here are 5 kinds of environmental pollution caused by waste that you should know:
Air Pollution
Air pollution is the contamination of air by smoke particles and harmful gases. They are mainly oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. Some examples of air pollution include:
The burning of fossil fuels like oil, gas or coal
The exhaust fumes from your vehicles
The mismanagement of landfill waste caused by garbage pollution
The harmful fragrance or off-gasing from plastic production, paints and so on
Nuclear accidents or radiation spills
They are all caused by waste and the only cure is through growing forests, and just a lot of trees everywhere!
Air pollution. Source:
Land Pollution
This kind of pollution is actually the degradation (becoming unusable) of Earth’s surface . There are 2 causes, and guess what, a pile of waste is one of them. Land pollution is mainly caused by improper disposal of waste and the misuse of resources. Here are some examples of land pollution:
Litter on every corner or on the side of the road
Oil spills
Illegal dumping in natural habitats
Debris or damage caused from unsustainable logging practices
Pesticides and other farming chemicals
Nuclear accidents or radiation spills
Because of land pollution we will likely lose the natural habitats of animals, especially the endangered ones like orangutans and tigers!
Garbage Pollution
It is caused by the mismanagement of solid waste from human & their activities, waste collectors and waste disposal contractors. The effects of this type of pollution is the spread of harmful bacteria in the surroundings, as well as obnoxious odors which will also end up as air pollution.
The water will also get contaminated, which will transmit parasites and bacteria to humans.
It is caused by the mismanagement of solid waste from human & their activities, waste collectors and waste disposal contractors. pls mark me branilest