Respuesta :
This report is a response to General Assembly resolution 72/242, in which the
Commission on Science and Technology for Development is requested, through the
Economic and Social Council, to give due consideration to the impact of key rapid
technological changes on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The report
contains analysis of the impact of rapid technological change on sustainable development,
especially the consequences for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’s central
principle of “leaving no one behind”. It presents the opportunities offered by rapid
technological change regarding the achievement and monitoring of the Sustainable
Development Goals across the various economic, social and environmental dimensions.
It discusses the transformative and disruptive potential of rapid technological changes,
including economic, social and normative considerations. In the report, it is highlighted that,
without appropriate science, technology and innovation policies, technologies, be they old
or new, are unlikely to deliver progress regarding global development. Such progress
requires an environment that nurtures learning and innovation to build and manage effective
innovation systems. In this context, the report presents examples of national strategies and
policies for rapid technological change and takes stock of regional, international and multistakeholder cooperation. In addition to national and international policies, the report also
calls for the international community to continue to discuss how international technology
assessment and foresight, as well as consensus building on normative guidelines, can shape
the developmental potential of rapid technological change. It concludes with suggestions for
Member States and the international community.