You received an email from your new schoolmate, Farah, who wants to join a club in school.
Hi! I believe you are a member of the Career Club. I am also interested to join this club. When are the club meetings held? Who are the teacher advisers and what activities are held by the club? I'll be waiting for your reply. Farah.
Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words. ​

Respuesta :


Dear Jess,

Hello my closet friend ! I hope all is well, we have some much to talk about from the last few months you’ve been away. I can’t wait to see you soon. I’ve dyed my hair and changed the style but that’s only one of the surprises. Oh and one other surprise is I am or may not have a car waiting for you to get into when you come back to visit and me as driver waiting outside the airport! Their so much to unfold wish I could share in the email. Can’t wait for your visit !

Sincerely Kis,


Its 97 words instead of 80


Greetings, Farah.

Today I received your email. You asked me to send you an email about joining the Career club. Every Thursday after school, our club meets in the library. We have helpful club mentors who can help you explore occupations and develop employability skills for future success. The clubs also link us with real-world employment opportunities such as internships and apprenticeships. We invite you to come and take a look around to see if you are interested in joining.

Thank you very much.


This is 84 words, hopes this helps get you started :)