Respuesta :
pulley is used to change the direction of a rope or a chain. the actual rotation of the pulley wheel is a side effect, while wheel and axle are used to amplify rotational force. The force can be provided through a rope wrapped around the wheel, but the change of direction is a side effect. hope this helped :)
Difference between pulley and wheel and axle are:
pully = A pulley is a circular disc that has a groove around the circumference over which a rope or string can move. In the pulley, load is connected to one end of the rope and effort is applied on the other ends . The pulley that does not move up and down is called the fixed pulley.
Wheel and axle= Wheel and axle consists of two cylinders of different radii. The cylinder of large radius is called wheel and the cylinder radius is called axle . Both wheel and axle move together under the application of effort.
I have send you a photo of wheel and axle, pulley.
I hope it will help you so.