HELP! A man makes breakfast. He puts some toast in the toaster, and mixes some eggs with a little milk in a bowl. As he begins cooking the eggs, he smells the toast burning. He takes the toast out of the toaster and puts some butter on it, which melts. Finally, he pours some orange juice through a strainer to remove the pulp. He eats the meal, and he digests it as he drives to work in his car.

A. Which option correctly identifies a chemical and a physical change in the scenario?

B. Burning toast is a chemical change; straining orange juice is a physical change.

C. Digesting food is a physical change; the car burning gas is a chemical change.

D. Burning toast is a physical change; straining orange juice is a chemical change.

Digesting food is a chemical change; the car burning gas is a physical change.

Respuesta :

Answer:B. Burning toast is a chemical change; straining orange juice is a physical change.


A Physical change Is a type of change on a substance that does not affect its composition but can only change the appearance of the substance.


A  Chemical changes is one that changes the substance to  an entirely new substance.

Now 1.  Burning toast is a chemical change, This is because First, Burning is a chemical reaction on its own . The toast also is a different substance from the white bread itself to a brown substance .

2. Straining orange juice is a physical change because no new substance is being formed only a SEPARATION of the orange pulp from the juice.

See related answer here:

We have that Burning toast is a chemical change; straining orange juice is a physical change.

The correct option is Option B

Physical change

This Refers to a change to the Physical Characteristics of a substance


Chemical change is a change Chemical Characteristics of a substance


Physical changes tends to undergo reversible processes while

chemicals do not


The correct option is Option B

Burning toast is a chemical change; straining orange juice is a physical change.

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