An automobile manufacturer has given its car a 46.7 miles/gallon (MPG) rating. An independent testing firm has been contracted to test the actual MPG for this car since it is believed that the car has an incorrect manufacturer's MPG rating. After testing 150 cars, they found a mean MPG of 46.5. Assume the population standard deviation is known to be 1.1. A level of significance of 0.05 will be used. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

Respuesta :

Answer: See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

The null hypothesis H0: The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between the two things that are being considered.

The alternative hypothesis is contradictory to H0 and it explains that there is a relationship between the two selected variables.

Based on the question, the null hypothesis H0 is that the rating of car is equal to 46.7 miles per gallon. μ = 46.7 MPG

The alternative hypothesis Ha is that the rating of the car is not equal to 46.7 Miles per gallon. μ ≠ 46.7 MPG