Different Measures of Disease
Question Measure of Disease
a. I = incidence rate
b. P = prevalence
c. L = lifetime prevalence
d. L = lifetime prevalence
e. M = crude mortality rate
a) Measures of disease:
I = incidence rate (p. 126): measures the frequency of disease occurrence in a population over time. It is measured as new episodes of illness in a period divided by the population.
P = prevalence (p. 113): ratio or proportion of persons in a population with a disease at a time or over time. It is based on a sample.
L = lifetime prevalence (p. 114): the proportion or ratio of a population who had a disease at some point in their life.
M = crude mortality rate (crude death rate) (p. 112): the ratio of deaths in a period among a geographical population.
R = sex ratio (counts) (p. 109): ratio of male and female population.