Respuesta :


1st step, DON'T PANIC. You have plenty of time to study. When it's a big exam, I like to set aside 2 hours daily for studying. If you're confused by certain topics, watch a video or ask your professor how to properly complete the answer. One college tip I learned: ALWAYS ASK THE PROFESSOR IF YOU GET CONFUSED WHILE STUDYING! They can help clear up problems you have. On the night before the exam, make sure you get a good night's rest. On the day of your exam, make sure to eat a good breakfast.

You have plenty of time, you got this! :)

1. Have some healthy food...or junk food or food that you love... because with a hungry stomach no one can study...

2. Take a break after every 15min... while studying..

3. Call your friends and study together...i.e. make a study circle...

4.Study loudly and faster...

At last..if you feel you're prepared then... good..if not.. then have a corner and weep and cry...or

5. have advice of your best friend or genius friend... if he or she didn't picks up phone then again cry because he or she is studying seriously with concentration so he or she will not pick up your phone...

6. At last pick up your all the methods of cheating...

hope it helps..