Sociology can be defined as a social science that deals with the study of the socio-cultural interaction of humans with respect to the structure, functioning and development of their society.
The main purpose of sociology is to develop and enhance human knowledge or understanding of important socio-cultural processes through the gathering and analysis of all aspects of the social life of the people living in a society.
Socialization can be defined as a process in which individuals learn to behave in a morally acceptable way or manner, acquire values, attitudes and habits that are in tandem with the environment where they find themselves such as in marriage, church, or an organization.
In this scenario, a woman was socialized from infancy to become a wife and mother. She comfortably became a homemaker in her twenties and early thirties. However, she suddenly lost her husband to death, and as a result of this, she must enter the paid labor force in order to support herself and her two children.
Thus, this woman will most likely have to undergo a process of resocialization so as to unlearn all of the previous beliefs, or norms to become independent.