Write a method, including the method header, that will receive an array of integers and will return the average of all the integers. Be sure to use the return statement as the last statement in the method. A method that receives an array as a parameter should define the data type and the name of the array with brackets, but not indicate the size of the array in the parameter. A method that returns the average value should have double as the return type, and not void. For example: public static returnType methodName(dataType arrayName[]) 3 The array being passed as a parameter to the method will have 10 integer numbers, ranging from 1 to 50. The average, avgNum, should be both printed in the method, and then returned by the method. To print a double with 2 decimal points precision, so use the following code to format the output: System.out.printf("The average of all 10 numbers is %.2f\n", avgNum);

Respuesta :


The method is as follows:

public static double average(int [] arrs){

    double sum = 0,avgNum;

    for(int i = 0;i<arrs.length;i++){



    avgNum = sum/arrs.length;

    System.out.printf("The average of all numbers is %.2f\n", avgNum);

    return avgNum;



This defines the method

public static double average(int [] arrs){

This declares sum and avgNum as double; sum is then initialized to 0

    double sum = 0,avgNum;

This iterates through the array

    for(int i = 0;i<arrs.length;i++){

This adds up the array elements

        sum+=arrs[i];     }

This calculates the average

    avgNum = sum/arrs.length;

This prints the average to 2 decimal places

    System.out.printf("The average of all numbers is %.2f\n",


This returns the average to main

    return avgNum; }