Pick out all the clauses used in each of the following sentences. Identify their types and functions.
1 Steinweg had a large room where we always breakfasted together.
2 He was always a delightful companion.
3 She sang when allowed to do so.
4 She sang completely out of tune, so permission was seldom granted.
5 What he saw both surprised and frightened him.
6 No one ever discovered what had caused the explosion.
7 What is more important, I suddenly felt ashamed of my childishness.
8 Since I have been especially invited to speak, for you now to tell me I cannot do so is quite unpardonable.
9 Having been invited to speak, and then being told to keep silent, I shall never come here again as long as I live.
10 What I wanted to know was whether we could make it the following Saturday.