Write programming code in C++ for school-based grading system. The program should accept the Subject and the number of students from a user and store their details in an array of type Student (class). The student class should have: • studName, indexNo, remarks as variables of type string, marks as integer, and grade as char. • A void function called getData which is used to get students’ details (index number, name, and marks). • A void function called calculate which will work on the marks entered for a student and give the corresponding grade and remarks as give below. Marks Grade Remarks 70 – 100 A Excellent 60 – 69 B Very Good 50 – 59 C Pass 0 – 49 F Fail • Should be able to display the results for all students (index number, name, marks, grade, remarks). 2. Draw a flowchart for the calculate function above. 3. Create a folder with name format ICTJ254_indexnumber (eg

Respuesta :



// C++ Program to Find Grade of Student

// -------codescracker.com-------


using namespace std;

int main()


   int i;

   float mark, sum=0, avg;

   cout<<"Enter Marks obtained in 5 Subjects: ";

   for(i=0; i<5; i++)



       sum = sum+mark;


   avg = sum/5;

   cout<<"\nGrade = ";

   if(avg>=91 && avg<=100)


   else if(avg>=81 && avg<91)


   else if(avg>=71 && avg<81)


   else if(avg>=61 && avg<71)


   else if(avg>=51 && avg<61)


   else if(avg>=41 && avg<51)


   else if(avg>=33 && avg<41)


   else if(avg>=21 && avg<33)


   else if(avg>=0 && avg<21)





   return 0;
