Respuesta :
The following program is written in Python. It creates a loop that keeps creating a random number to randomly choose a State abbreviation from the dictionary. Then it asks the user what the state is. If the user gets the answer correct it prints out "Correct" and adds 1 point to the correct variables. Otherwise it prints "Incorrect" and adds 1 point to the incorrect variable. Finally, printing out the final amount of correct and incorrect responses. The program was tested and the output can be seen below.
import random
states = {"AL":"Alabama","AK":"Alaska","AZ":"Arizona","AR":"Arkansas","CA":"California","CO":"Colorado","CT":"Connecticut","DE":"Delaware","FL":"Florida","GA":"Georgia","HI":"Hawaii","ID":"Idaho","IL":"Illinois","IN":"Indiana","IA":"Iowa","KS":"Kansas","KY":"Kentucky","LA":"Louisiana","ME":"Maine","MD":"Maryland","MA":"Massachusetts","MI":"Michigan","MN":"Minnesota","MS":"Mississippi","MO":"Missouri","MT":"Montana","NE":"Nebraska","NV":"Nevada","NH":"New Hampshire","NJ":"New Jersey","NM":"New Mexico","NY":"New York","NC":"North Carolina","ND":"North Dakota","OH":"Ohio","OK":"Oklahoma","OR":"Oregon","PA":"Pennsylvania","RI":"Rhode Island","SC":"South Carolina","SD":"South Dakota","TN":"Tennessee","TX":"Texas","UT":"Utah","VT":"Vermont","VA":"Virginia","WA":"Washington","WV":"West Virginia","WI":"Wisconsin","WY":"Wyoming"}
keys_list = list(states)
correct = 0
incorrect = 0
while True:
randNum = random.randint(0, 49)
abbr = keys_list[randNum]
answer = input("Enter The State name of " + abbr + ": ")
if answer.lower() == states[abbr].lower():
correct += 1
incorrect += 1
again = input("Play again? y/n ")
if again.lower() == 'n':
print("Correct: " + str(correct))
print("Incorrect: " + str(incorrect))