Create a Twitter discussion between the characters, recreating the story from beginning to end. Include Louise Mallard, Brently Mallard, Richards (Brently's friend), and Josephine (Louise's sister).

Respuesta :


Richards: *josephine I have terrible news. It's about Brently. He has passed away.

Josephine: *richards My goodness! What happened?

Richards: *josephine A train accident. We must tell your sister.

Josephine: *richards Oh, no! Remember her heart condition. We must be careful.

Richards: *louise Louise, I'm afraid there is something I need to tell you.

Josephine: *louise Please, sit down before you read this, dear.

Louise: *richards *josephine What is going on??

Richards: *louise Please keep in mind we are here for you, no matter what.

Josephine: *louise Something happened to the train...

Richards: *louise It's a tragedy, and we are deeply sorry.

Louise: *richards *josephine Oh my God! Brently is gone...


Louise: My husband has passed away... But why don't I feel sad?

            Nothing has changed. The world is still turning.

            Oh my! I just realized... I'm free to do whatever I want!

Josephine: *louise Are you alright?? Talk to me!

Louise: *josephine I'm fine! Leave me alone!

Brently: *richards *josephine *louise Guys, have you heard about the accident? It could have been me!

Richards: *brently Wait, what?!

Josephine: *brently You're alive??

                  *louise Sis? Sis??!!


Kate Chopin was an American author who lived from 1850 to 1904. Her stories were often controversial due to their feminist take and daring female characters.

In "Story of an Hour," a misunderstanding leads Louise Mallard to a revelation. Her sister and a friend let her know that her husband has died in a train accident. However, instead of feeling sad, Louise realizes she is finally her own woman. She does not have to ask anything or justify herself to her husband. She can do whatever she wants. But, in the end, her husband appears at home, very much alive. Louise ends up dying due to a heart condition she has.

NOTE: I used an asterisk (*) where the symbol for "at" on tweets should have been. Brainly wouldn't let me post the answer otherwise.