Nuclear Power is a perfect example of exponential relations. Canada produces over half of its electricity using nuclear reactors. One of the major problems associated with nuclear power generation is the radioactive waste. Currently all nuclear waste is stored on site at the power plant and there is no solution for the long term waste.

A) What would you do with the long term waste?

B) How would you take care of Canada’s energy needs for the future?

Respuesta :

Nuclear waste is a long term waste and is a major problem the world is facing regarding its disposal.

Answer :

Nuclear fission is exponential. This is known as chain reaction and a number of uranium atoms are fission together to increase exponentially.

Canada, for example produces electricity using the process of fission process in its nuclear reactors.

The nuclear waste includes :

  • used reactor fuel,
  •  uranium mill tailings and
  • other radioactive wastes.

These wastes remain radioactive and are dangerous for the human health.


  • The long term nuclear waste are stored in deep excavations and covered with rocks and mud. They are also stored in some high density and thick cylinders and remained isolated in the dump yard from the people and nature.


  • Most of the energy requirement of Canada can be taken care off by using wind energy.
  • Canada is planning to set up wind energy mills in most of its part and generate electricity from it.
  • Canada has also installed several solar power projects which is clean and can help the people to use this solar energy to produce electricity.

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