What dimensions of love are reflected in the following relationships: a close friend, falling in love, loving a family member, loving a life partner or spouse?

Respuesta :


  • Loving a lose friend: Intimacy
  • Falling in love: Passion
  • Loving a family member: Intimacy
  • Loving  partner or spouse: Intimacy, pasion and commitment.


It is considered that love is a very comprehensive feeling that can be applied in different dimensions. These dimensions are called intimacy, passion and commitment.

In general, we can say that the dimension called intimacy refers to love as a feeling of union, connection and closeness. This kind of feeling is very common in close and long-term friends, but it can be applied in other situations.

Passion is the dimension of love that refers to physical attractiveness, romance and desire. This kind of feeling is linked to the act of falling in love with someone.

Commitment is the dimension of love that refers to the feeling of living with someone forever and seeking the same goals and ambitions. This feeling is very common in couples who are married or have a life together. This type of couple also develops the passion and intimacy dimensions.