Analia is a school district manager. Here are some details about two schools in her district for the last school year:
School A School B
Number of students 300030003000 400040004000
Number of teachers 190190190 380380380
Graduation rate 86\%86%86, percent 90\%90%90, percent
Budget per student \$10{,}500$10,500dollar sign, 10, comma, 500 \$10{,}000$10,000dollar sign, 10, comma, 000
% of students in sports club 62\%62%62, percent 68\%68%68, percent
Number of sports medals won 999 777
SAT average 120012001200 105010501050
SAT range (max-min) 900900900 700700700
Analia wants to know which school has the higher SAT average relative to the resources invested per student.
1) Analia thought of two different ways to define this quantity. Identify these two definitions among the following options.
Choose 2 answers:
Choose 2 answers:

(Choice A)
SAT average divided by number of sports medals won

(Choice B)
SAT average divided by number of students

(Choice C)
SAT average divided by budget per student

(Choice D)
SAT average divided by teachers per student
2) Determine which school has the higher SAT average relative to the resources invested per student, according to the two definitions. Did you get the same result for both definitions?
Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)
Yes. According to both definitions, school A has the higher SAT average relative to the resources invested per student.

(Choice B)
Yes. According to both definitions, school B has the higher SAT average relative to the resources invested per student.

(Choice C)
No. The definitions have opposite results.

Respuesta :

Answer:c and d first one second one is a

Step-by-step explanation:
