Radiometric dating or radioactive date is the method that uses radioisotope to date the formation of a rock. The age of the rocks will be determined.
Radioactive deterioration is a natural process and results from the unstable atomic core, which releases bits and parts.
These radioactive particles are released as (there are many types). This decline process results in a more equilibrated nucleus, which makes the atom stable when the number of protons and neutrons balances.
This radioactivity is suitable for dating, as a radioactive "parent" item is constantly decaying into a stable "daughter" element.
A single mineral grain or a whole rock may be dated. There are techniques by which the sample is excited in a nuclear reactor and then measured with a mass spectrometer. The isotope (such as in the argon-argon scheme).
Others put mineral grains under a special microscope, fir in the grains with an ionising laser beam that releases the mineral and the isotopes.
The isotopes are measured by a mass spectrometer inside the same machine (an example of this is SIMS analysis).