A solid uniform disk of diameter 3.20 m and mass 42 kg rolls without slipping to the bottom of a hill, starting from rest. If the angular speed of the disk is 4.27 rad/s at the bottom, how high did it start on the hill?
A) 3.57 m.
B) 4.28 m.
C) 3.14 m.
D) 2.68 m.

Respuesta :




We have a conservation of energy problem here as well. Potential energy is being converted into linear kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy.

We are given ω= 4.27rad/s, so v = ωr, which is 6.832 m/s. Place your coordinate system at top of the hill so E initial is 0.

Ef= Ug+Klin+Krot= -mgh+1/2mv^2+1/2Iω^2

Since it is a solid uniform disk I= 1/2MR^2, so Krot will be 1/4Mv^2(r^2ω^2=  v^2).

Ef= -mgh+3/4mv^2

Since Ef=Ei=0




plug in givens to get h= 3.57m