After de Broglie proposed the wave nature of matter, Davisson and Germer demonstrated the wavelike behavior of electrons by observing an interference pattern from electrons scattering off what

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Scattering is an interaction that can happen when a given particle or wave, like an electron, impacts a target or material. Then the electron changes it's original path and leaves some energy in the process. (This is a really simplified explanation of scattering, this is a really complex phenomenon, but let's not dive into that path)

Particularly, Davisson and Germer used a beam of electrons against a target of nickel, and these scattered electrons were detected by a detector. All of that in a vacuum chamber.

Then the correct answer is a nickel target.

"After de Broglie proposed the wave nature of matter, Davisson and Germer demonstrated the wavelike behavior of electrons by observing an interference pattern from electrons scattering off a nickel target"