How are maquiladoras similar to sweatshops? I. Workers are paid very low wages in both systems. II. Both are prevalent in underdeveloped nations. III. Both are outlawed internationally. A. I. only B. II. only C. I. and III. D. I. and II. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D

Respuesta :


D.) I. and II

I. Workers are paid very low wages in both systems.

II. Both are prevalent in underdeveloped nations.


maquiladora can be regarded as mode of manufacturing that is associated to countries such as Mexico, which is been at up by a foreign company, and it involves export of the manufactured goods out of that country to the origin country of the company. There are some benefits for the factory such as

duty-free as well as tariff-free imports of raw materials. sweatshop can be regarded as sweat factory, it is a crowded workplace that has socially unacceptable as well as

very poor and illegal working conditions. Employees in sweatshops usually have work long hours and petty pay.

It should be noted that maquiladoras similar to sweatshops in ways such was ;

✓Workers are paid very low wages in both systems.

✓Both are prevalent in underdeveloped nations.


