Switching from one product to the other, by deciding to stop travels to Germany and turn to Maldives, this shows limited resources which is as a result of scarcity.
Factors of producton include Land, Labor, Capital and Entrepreneur
Capital : Includes machineries and equipment used in business. According to the passage, capital. Include is Aircarft.
Labor : Those who work for the travel company to ensure it performs
Entrepreneur : The owner or shareholders who put together land, labor and capital to make profit.
Economic goods refer to goods which are scarce and involves the principle of oppttuiyu cost. Economic goods are scarce in relation to its demand. Free good in the other hand aren't scare as they are natyrallyboccuribgb, abundant and accessible.
An example of free good is Sunshine.
Opportunity cost is important in deciding which goods or product provides the best return based on on its investment or resources. This can be related to the travel company's switch from Germany to Maldives