Create a list of lists, named hamsplits, such that hamsplits[i] is a list of all the words in the i-th sentence of the text. The sentences should be stored in the order that they appear, and so should the words within each sentence. Regarding how to break up the text into sentences and how to store the words, the guidelines are as follows: Sentences end with '.', '?', and '!'. You should convert all letters to lowercase. For each word, strip out any punctuation. For instance, in the text above, the first and last sentences would be: hamsplits[0] == ['and', 'can', 'you', 'by', ..., 'dangerous', 'lunacy'] hamsplits[-1] == ['madness', 'in', 'great', ..., 'not', 'unwatchd', 'go']

Respuesta :



The following code is written in Python. It takes in a story as a parameter and splits it into sentences. Then it adds those sentences into the list of lists called hamsplits, cleaned up and in lowercase. A test case is used in the picture below and called so that it shows an output of the sentence in the second element of the hamsplits list.

def Brainly(story):

   story_split = re.split('[.?!]', story.lower())

   hamsplits = []

   for sentence in story_split:

       hamsplits.append(sentence.split(' '))

   for list in hamsplits:

       for word in list:

           if word == '':


Ver imagen sandlee09