This week we will create a powerpoint presentation illustrating your Guess the Number game course project. You will create a narrated powerpoint presentation. A video explanation on how to create a narrated powerpoint is here (Links to an external site.). In addition, add one new feature to your Guess the number game. Feel free to add any new feature. Some ideas include: Smarter computer guessing (if it is too high, the computer will decrease its guess by 1 or too low increase its guess by 1) A limited number of guesses (for example - only 5 guesses) Asking the user for his/her name and greeting the user by name A 2 player option where one person enters a number and the other person tries to guess it A GUI (watching the video for the powerpoint narration, the video author explains how to create a GUI in python Submit your narrated powerpoint and final .py code with screenshotWhen creating the code are you also able to explain the steps you took to create it?
Is my final, this code is to be exlained in a power point, please provide an explanation of the steps of creating the code.