S.B. manages the website for the student union at Bridger College in Bozeman, Montana. The student union provides daily activities for the students on campus. As website manager, part of S.B.'s job is to keep the site up to date on the latest activities sponsored by the union. At the beginning of each week, he revises a set of seven web pages detailing the events for each day in the upcoming week. S.B. would like the website to display the current day's schedule within an aside element. To do this, the page must determine the day of the week and then load the appropriate HTML code into the element. He would also like the Today at the Union page to display the current day and date.Complete the following:Use your editor to open the bc_union_txt.html and bc_today_txt.js files from XX folder. Enter your name and the date in the comment section and save them as bc_union.html and bc_today.js. DONEGo to the bc_union.html file in your editor. Directly above the closing tag, insert a script element that links the page to the bc_today.js file. Defer the loading of the script until after the rest of the page is loaded by the browser. Study the contents of the file and save your changes. DONEGo to the bc_today.js file in your editor. At the top of the file, insert a statement indicating that the code will be handled by the browser assuming strict usage. Note that within the file is the getEvent() function, which returns the HTML code for the daily events at the union given a day number ranging from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). "use strict";Declare the thisDate variable containing the Date object for the date October 12, 2018. var thisDate = new Date("October 12, 2018");Declare the dateString variable containing the text of the thisDate variable using local conventions. var dateStr = thisDate.toLocaleDateString();Declare the dateHTML variable containing the following text string

date where date is the value of the dateString variable. var dateHTML = "" + dateStr + "

";Create the thisDay variable containing the day of the week number from the thisDate variable (Hint: use the getDay() method). - confused here, have: var thisDate = thisDate.getDay(); correct?Using the thisDay variable as the parameter value, call the getEvent() function to get the HTML code of that day's events and store that value in a variable named eventHTML. - lost here...Applying the insertAdjacentHTML() method to the page element with the ID unionToday, insert the value of the dateHTML plus the eventHTML variables before the end of the element contents. - again, lost here too. Found this on another site... document.querySelector('#unionToday').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',dateHTML +' '+ eventHTML); -- Where do I put it?Document your code with descriptive comments."use strict"; /* #4 pg680 *//* New Perspectives on HTML5 and CSS3, 7th Edition Tutorial 9 Case Problem 2 */ This script uses the getEvent() function to return the HTML code containin the daily events at the Bridger College student union. *//*Display the Current Date*/var thisDate = new Date("October 12, 2018"); var dateStr = thisDate.toLocaleDateString(); /* Display the Date Using Local Conventions as a Header*/var dateHTML = "

" + dateStr + "

"; /* Display the Day of the Week Number*/var thisDate = thisDate.getDay(); // #8 Correct???/* Display the Event Listings */function getEvent(day) { var eventHTML = day[thisDay]; /* is adding this correct?? = day[thisDay]; part of #9 ??? */ switch (day) { case 0: // Sunday Events eventHTML = " \ Highlights from the Bridger Art Collection \

An exhibition from over 60 items in the BC permanent collection.


Location: Room A414


Time: 12 am – 4 pm


Cost: free

\ \ Bridger Starlight Cinema \

Recent, diverse, and provocative films straight from the art house. 35mm.


Location: Fredric Whyte Play Circle


Time: 7 pm – 10 pm


Cost: $3.75 MWU students, Union members, Union staff. $4.25 all others

\ \ "; break; case 1: // Monday Events eventHTML = " \ Monday Billiards \

Play in the BC Billiards league for fun and prizes


Location: Union Game Room


Time: 7 pm – 11 pm


Cost: $3.75 for registration

\ \ Distinguished Lecture Series \

Cultural critic Elizabeth Kellog speaks on the issues of the day.


Location: Union Theater


Time: 7 pm – 9 pm


Cost: free, seating is limited

\ \ "; break;