Respuesta :
b. the purchase of an aircraft carrier by the federal goverment - purchase of a final good.
c. the purchase of frenche wine by a U.S. consumer - purchase of a final good.
d. the purchase of a new airliner by American Airlinesa - purchase of a final good.
A final good is a good that is consumed directly by consumers
Purchase of final good can be classfied into :
Consumption spending includes spending by households on goods and services. Consumption spending includes :
spending on durables - e.g. laptop
spending on nondurables - e.g. clothes, food
spending on services - e.g. payment of hospital bill
the purchase of french wine is an example of consumption spending on nondurable goods
Investment - It includes purchases of goods and services made by businesses in the production of goods and services
the airplane purchased by the airline would be used to provide services for airline customers.
Government spending - It includes government consumption expenditure and gross investment. Consumption spending includes spending by households on goods and services. Consumption spending includes :
spending on durables - e.g. laptop
spending on nondurables - e.g. clothes, food
spending on services - e.g. payment of hospital bill
the purchase of a textbook by a student is an example of consumption spending on durable goods
Investment - It includes purchases of goods and services made by businesses in the production of goods and services
the airplane purchased by the airline would be used to provide services for airline customers.
Government spending - It includes government consumption expenditure and gross investment. The purchase of a new limousine for the president is an example of consumption expenditure
An intermediate good is a good that is used in the production of the final good. e.g. tthe purchase of wheat from a wheat farmer by a bakery would be used to make pastries.