Chad, who owns the only coffee shop in Rivercity, learns that Jose is about to open a competing coffee shop in the same small town, just a few blocks from Chad's. Chad offers Jose $10,000 in return for Jose's promise not to open a coffee shop in the Rivercity area for six months. Jose accepts the $10,000 but goes ahead with his plans, even though he had agreed not to do so. When Jose opens his coffee shop for business, Chad sues to enjoin Jose's continued operation or to recover the $10,000

Can Chad sues Jose?

Respuesta :


Rivercity Coffee Shop

Chad cannot sue Jose.  The $10,000 is paid to Jose is a bribe.  Since a bribe is not legal, it cannot form the basis for an enforceable contract.

Moreover, the offer by Chad is an antitrust and anti-competition consideration that is legally frowned upon. illegal contract


For a contract to be enforceable, it cannot be illegal.  A bribe is illegal.  The basis for the contract is illegal.  Therefore, Chad cannot sue Jose.  Since Jose decided to breach the contract, neither Chad nor Jose is entitled to any compensation.  Jose cannot be held liable for non-performance.