Respuesta :


Dear, (whom you are writing to)

         I wish to complain about ____ (name of product or service, with serial number or account number) that I purchased on ____ (date and location of transaction). I am complaining because ____ (the reason you are dissatisfied). To resolve this problem I would like you to ____ (what you want the business to do).


Hope this is helpful.

A complaint letter presents indignation or dissatisfaction about something or someone. This letter is intended to cause a change in something.

Thus, we can see that a complaint letter has the following elements:

  • This letter begins with a greeting.
  • Right after that, there is a paragraph where the complaint is pointed out and the reasons that make this complaint exist.
  • Then, another paragraph can be started, where the author of the letter asks for changes to be made.
  • The letter ends with the author saying goodbye.

It is important to remember that this letter must be written in formal language and that the complaint is made politely and respectfully.

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