A college student owned a very popular video game system that was out of stock in most stores. He agreed to let his friend use the system for a few days, on condition that he return the system by the weekend because the student was hosting a small party. On the morning of the party, the friend still had not returned the game system, so the student went to the friend's apartment and demanded it back. The friend refused, so the student grabbed the system and wrestled it out of the friend's hands.
If the friend sues the student for battery, will he recover on this claim?
A. No, because the student used reasonable force in attempting to seize the game system.
B. No, unless the student proves that the friend's delay in the return of the game system was unreasonable.
C. Yes, because the student had originally agreed to lend the game system to the friend.
D. Yes, because the student had to give the friend a reasonable period of time after demand in which to return the game system.