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Systems implementation & evaluation

What is systems implementation?

What are the tools for physical systems design?

What are the issues to consider before an information system is operational?

What are the key indicators of a quality system?

What are the techniques for systems evaluation?

Systems implementation is the process of:

defining how the information system should be built (i.e., physical system design),

ensuring that the information system is operational and used,

ensuring that the information system meets quality standard (i.e., quality assurance).

Systems design

Conceptual design – what the system should do

Logical design – what the system should look to the user

Physical design – how the system should be built

Physical system design using structured design approach:

à To produce a system that is easy to read, code, and maintain

1. Factoring: decomposition

2. Span of control: 9 subordinate modules

3. Reasonable size: 50-100 LOC

4. Coupling: minimize inter-module dependency

5. Cohesion: single module functionality

6. Shared use: multiple calls to lower level modules from different bosses

Structured design tools

· Organization of programs and program modules (structure chart)

· Processing logic specification in each module (pseudocode)

Structure chart – to show graphically

how the various program parts/modules of an information system are physically organized hierarchically

how the modules communicate with each other through data couple (data exchange) and flag (control/message)

how the modules are related to each other in terms of sequence, selection, and repetition