Respuesta :
Answer: its in the explanation
*. accept how you feel and know that you're not alone
*. help out people not only will this make you feel good but it will also let you make friends and connection that can support you
*. set small goals for you to improve- don't b3at yourself up if you're not able to complete all of it at once
*. Meditat3 regularly- it helps cl3ar and calm your mind if you don't know how use a guided meditation you can find them for fre3 on youtub3
*. get proper sleep, eat well basically just try to improve your health and lifestyle
*. talk about how you feel to someone even if its to a strang3r onlin3 letting it out can h3lp
*. help out people not only will this make you feel good but it will also let you make friends and connection that can support you
*. use scents and smells like lavender they put your mind in a calm state *. Find your tr!gg3rs and learn to manage them- maybe its a str3ssful work or school or work environment? maybe caff3ine? too much sugar?
Try to turn any n3gative thoughts into positive ones. Picture yourself facing your f3ars head-on. The more you do this in your mind, the easier it will be to deal with it when it happens. whenever a n3gative thought comes in say no that's not true I know that I can handle that