Answer and Explanation:
Using Javascript:
function AddScores(){
Window.alert("Welcome to the Test Score Program");
var ScoreList= new Array();
ScoreList.push(Prompt("Add Score"));
var WhatNext= Confirm("do you want to continue?");
If(WhatNext===true) {
ScoreList.push(Prompt("Add Score"));
Confirm("do you want to continue?")===true;);
Alert(ScoreList.reduce(function(a,b){return a +b};,0);)
From the above code in javascript programming language, we have created a list ScoreList and added elements to it using push method of the array object and a do...while loop that checks the condition and then adds the user's input to the array. We then alerted the array to the screen and then summed up the array elements and also alerted to the screen.