Unique Challenges that appear during different life stage:
Young Children
1- Food jags are not uncommon during this stage.
7- Frequent meals are necessary due to high activity level and small stomach size.
3- Peer pressure often influences eating and lifestyle behaviors.
4- Body image concerns and disordered eating behaviors may emerge during this period.
5- Females need additional iron to support menstruation.
Older Adults
2- Risk for dehydration increases due to diuretic use, decreased mobility, and less effective thirst mechanisms.
6- Muscle mass and physical activity decline, leading to a decrease in calorie needs.
Young Children are generally persons under the age of 5 years but may include others under 10.
Adolescents are ideally persons between 10 and 19 years, and these may be extended to those under 24 years.
Older Adults include those from 25 and above.