Answer: I have learned that I even just smiling at someone can make their day, asking them how their day is going will make them happy, I learned that the more you give to someone the more you get it back. I learned that spending out time with family is a blessing, not a burden, and the sooner we realize this, the better. Looking back, the majority of our most treasured memories are those in which we were surrounded by our loved ones. Our aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents are wise; learn from their experiences and take in their advice. Spending time with family is not "uncool," so make the most of the time you still have with the people who genuinely care about you.
Explanation: Instead of attempting to control everything that happens in your life, I realized that you should just let things go. Things will go wrong; we should manage them with grace and maturity, but we shouldn't try to disrupt things we can't. Attempting to do so will be a waste of our time and energy. We have control over how hard we study in school and how hard we work on the sports field. Those are the things we should concentrate on.
Hope it helps!!