Jason takes off from rest across level water on his jet-powered skis. The combined mass of Jason and his skis is 75 kg (the mass of the fuel is negligible). The skis have a thrust of 200 N and a coefficient of kinetic friction on water of 0.10. Unfortunately, the skis run out of fuel after only 48 s. What is Jason's top speed

Respuesta :


81.1 m/s


The net force of Jason is T - f = ma where T = thrust = 200 N f = frictional force = μN = μmg where μ = coefficient of kinetic friction of water = 0.10, m = mass of Jason plus skis = 75 kg, g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s² and a = Jason's acceleration

So, T - f = ma

T -  μmg  = ma

a = T/m - μg

susbstμituting the values of the varμiables into the equation, we have

a = 200 N/75 kg - 0.1 × 9.8 m/s²

a = 200 N/75 kg - 0.1 × 9.8 m/s²

a = 2.67 m/s² - 0.98 m/s²

a = 1.69 m/s²

Using v = u + at, we find Jason's velocity v where u = initial velocity = 0 m/s (since he starts from rest), a = 1.69 m/s² and t = time = 48 s

So, v = u + at

v = 0 m/s + 1.69 m/s² × 48 s

v = 0 m/s + 81.12 m/s

v = 81.12 m/s

v ≅ 81.1 m/s

So, Jason's top speed is 81.1 m/s